by Lynn Jericho | Apr 19, 2012 | Inner Year |
I’ve spent the last week redesigning the Inner Spring program on Intimacy. I’m so excited by this program because it makes sense of many of the mysteries of relationship. It succeeds by providing a well-designed process and offering a number of structures or...
by Lynn Jericho | Apr 8, 2012 | Inner Year |
Today is Easter Sunday, 2012. We celebrate the Resurrection today. I’d love to just jump to feelings of Hallelujah and images of the Risen Christ, but the day begins with Mary Magdalen visiting the tomb to be with the corpse. So let us find our Easter questions in...
by Lynn Jericho | Apr 7, 2012 | Wisdom of Selfhood |
From the darkest night to the darkest day to what? No scripture describes the experience of Holy Saturday so what do we do with this Easter emptiness? There is almost no reference to this day in the Bible, so we must really imagine strongly. In Easter Mystery of...
by Lynn Jericho | Apr 6, 2012 | Inner Year |
As I work into Inner Easter, I realize what a watered-down, idealized and dramatized, Inner Hollywood, Inner Easter Basket, token and cloudy relationship I’ve had to every aspect of the Easter Mystery. Over twenty years ago I found my way to the wisdom shared by...
by Lynn Jericho | Apr 4, 2012 | Inner Festivals, New Spiritual Practices, Understanding Your Soul |
The Last Supper, Gethsemane, and the Betrayal all take place on the first night of Passover between sunset and sunrise. Maundy Thursday asks us to enter the moods of the night — of darkness, loneliness and doubt. This is not easy to do, but easier than the mood of...
by Lynn Jericho | Apr 3, 2012 | Inner Festivals, New Spiritual Practices |
Is it Universal? Beyond Christianity? How does Easter live in your heart each year? What is its meaning for you? How do you celebrate this holy time and holy story? I ask this question of all my readers, whether you are Christian or not. The Inner Year looks to the...
by Lynn Jericho | Mar 21, 2012 | Uncategorized
Yesterday was the Easter Equinox, the day that day and night are equal in nature. It is a turning point in the year – the relationship of light and dark crosses a threshold. Do you see or sense it? Probably not. Turning points, no matter how profound are rarely...
by Lynn Jericho | Mar 9, 2012 | Inner Year, Wisdom of Selfhood |
Attention: Book lovers this post is full of spoilers. But at the end of the post, I offer some creative distinctions that redeem the spoilers. I just got rid of two-thirds of my books! It feels wonderful. I even let go of books I love, books that changed my life,...
by Lynn Jericho | Feb 13, 2012 | Uncategorized
Whitney Houston died on Saturday. Sunday I offered the first session of the Contribution course (the Tuesday sessions begin tomorrow). The singer’s death brought a sobering truth to the understanding of contribution: You can make your contribution and not be happy or...
by Lynn Jericho | Feb 9, 2012 | Wisdom of Selfhood
What is your work? This may or may not be about your job. It is definitely about you and your destiny. Work is intention, effort, activity and accomplishment. What effort and activity goes into your thinking life? Into your feeling life? Into your life in the world?...