I’ve spent the last week redesigning the Inner Spring program on Intimacy. I’m so excited by this program because it makes sense of many of the mysteries of relationship. It succeeds by providing a well-designed process and offering a number of structures or frameworks, that actually help you to recognize, organize, evaluate and evolve your experience of intimacy.

I also connected more deeply with understanding my work and want to share with you some brief thoughts:

I am passionate about design, design that is logical, comfortable, encouraging to the soul. Design that is beautiful and harmonious enough to guide you to your own inner beauty and harmony.

I devote my work to discovering archetypal structures that allow for the process and the perspectives that lead to healing, liberation, empowerment, and, ultimately, wisdom.

I wildly celebrate questions. Geniuses, whether artists, scientists, thinkers, or connectors, begin their explorations with questions, let go of all assumptions or reliance on the past or single perspectives, and embrace imagination, inspiration and intuition. They then return to their question and as Eliot so beautifully stated

We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.

Imagination questions ask us to illuminate new thoughts.

Inspiration questions ask us to radiate new feelings.

Intuition questions ask us to enthuse new deeds.

(Do you feel the power of the verb “enthuse,” so much greater than the noun “enthusiasm” or the qualifier “enthusiastic?” Do take the time to look up the definition.)

Each Spring, Nature and Spirit awaken in the soul a celebration of and curiousity about harmonious relationship as we find it in our gardens and in the story of Whitsun/Pentecost. Our feeling life wakes up to the mysteries, the joys and the sufferings of intimately meeting the other.

How do we want to design, structure and question our relationships so that we can feel more alive, more conscious, more safe, more open?

You may long for an inner wisdom about experiencing inmost knowing that is truly tender and tenderly true.

Or you may want to deal with the pain of poor communication, emotional dramas, a broken heart through healing insights.

You might want to find the root of disempowering patterns that seem to show up in every relationship you seek.

Or beyond dramas, you may just want to consider relationship in new ways as connecting with others is such a core experience of finding, knowing and becoming yourself.

The Imagine Intimacy course will not solve your intimacy problems but it will give you the archetypal design, structure and questions, so that you will have the imagination, inspiration and intuition to recognize, organize, evaluate and evolve your intimate relationships.

I’ve done my work so that you can do your work. You can continue to boldly explore your inner realities and transform your outer expressions in ways that support you in being human and becoming I.

Learn about the Imagine Intimacy course here.