
Your Inner Christmas


Your Sacred Path

through the Christmas Season

Journey Beyond

the Christmas of Religion and the Christmas of Riches.


Celebrate the Christmas of Selfhood

~ Your Inner Journey to the Gifts of Self~

 Gifts of Personal Meaning

 Gifts of Personal Inspiration

Gifts of Personal Purpose

Christmas has three expressions:

  1. the secular Christmas of presents, decorations, food, and parties
  2. the religious Christmas for worship of the events of the Nativity,
  3.  and the Christmas only you can celebrate, the Soul’s Inner Christmas Journey to Selfhood.

Do you long for a Christmas where you discover the intimate gifts of wisdom, freedom, and love?

A Christmas that nurtures your becoming.

Take the Inner Christmas Journey

This Christmas is a journey, a process, a design for birthing more self-possession. Your soul will light up with imaginations, inspiration, and intentions that will fill you with wonder, equanimity, and empowerment.

There are three stages in the Soul’s Inner Christmas Journey: Inner Advent and discovering the meaning of your year, Inner Christmas and receiving the inspirations of the Holy Nights, and Inner Epiphany and shaping the purpose of the new year. .

Find the Meanings Dwelling in  the Old Year

Inner Advent

In the deepening dusk of your soul’s year, prepare for the Holy Nights by recollecting, reviewing and releasing the old – the outer contexts and the inner content of all you have experienced. 

Open to the Mysteries of the Threshold

Inner Christmas

In the embracing darkness of the Holy Nights, receive twelve illuminating inspirations of new wisdom, freedom, and love. Let your soul contemplate, imagine, and journal  .

 Wake up to Your Purposes Living in the New Year

  Inner Epiphany

In the dawning of the New Year, consider the elements of your destiny: the gifts, the questions, the courage, the manifestation. What will you need to unfold in your soul and in world over the next 12 months? 

Yes, this Inner Christmas Journey seems to ask you to bring more attention to your soul’s reality than you have ever done on your own.  Don’t hesitate.

Inner Advent, the Inner Christmas Messages, and Inner Epiphany give you calm, clear, and compassionate guidance for this path of transformative self-awareness and spiritual love.


Your Inner Christmas Journey includes…

Inner Advent



Finding Meaning

Lynn guides you through the process in four inspiring audios and provides a number of pdf’s to support your work. She offers four weekly live zoom calls and there is a discussion forum for sharing with the whole community.

The true gift of the Inner Advent programs is the beauty and usefulness of the design, structure, and process. You learn how to create a spiritual practice that brings depth and rightness to your inner work. You will discover the spiritual meaning flowing through your inner year.

If you feel you don’t remember your year, that you couldn’t recollect it, the guidance of Inner Advent will awaken memories, but will also create a foundation for your relationship to the coming year.  Inner Advent serves the past year and the future year equally.

Inner Advent whether you choose the Year of Light or the Year of Darkness offers a creative and illuminating spiritual practice. You will feel a new freedom and a deeper compassion filling your heart and mind as you arrive at the Holy Nights.

Lynn hosts a live Zoom call each week during Advent.

Module One

The History and Meaning of Advent
 The Weekly Rhythms
 Creating Your Inner Advent Wreath/Mandala

Module Two
 Reflection and Objectivity
 The Aesthetics of Inner Advent
 Advent Conversations
 Absence of Judgment
 The Role of Remembering

Module Three
 Phenomena of the Year
 The Three Stages of Life

Module Four
 The Last Recollection of the Year
 The Celebrations
 The Mourning
 The Regrets
 Closing Ritual

Listen to the inspiring, guiding, wise 60-minute audios each week.

Your work of journaling, creating your Inner Advent mandala (not a work of art but a self-illuminating artistic representation of your year – no critiquing, just wondrous and courageous self-expression) will take your attention, and your effort over the next four weeks.

Is your Inner Advent worth this much of your precious time? Will you be happier? More peaceful? More grounded? More alive? More awake to yourself? Yes, yes, yes!


Each year is a path or a journey through the soul’s light and darkness. In this Inner Advent course, you will recollect, review and release what you experienced in the darkness of your soul.

Our shadows hide the times when our thoughts, feelings or deeds were motivated by ill will, egotism, and impulsivity.

Our sorrows reveal our losses and our failures to create or sustain our ideals in our work, our relationships, our well-being and our moral development.

Our sufferings tell of the times we feel attacked, negated, misunderstood, neglected, sabotaged by life, others, illness, and ourselves.

Inner Advent looks at how each impacts your soul’s development in thinking, feeling and willing. How did these experiences challenge your ability to evolve as a being of freedom and love?

The audios will be about an 30-60 minutes in length. You will then need to work with the suggested practices for anywhere from 20 minutes to several hours depending on your temperament and your goals.  There is no requirement beyond listening, questioning, contemplating and writing down.  Writing down is the key…it gets your recollections of the year out of your mind and body and provides a liberating distance. 

  • Module One: The Introduction to the Process and the Context of Your Year
  • Module Two: Recollecting Your Shadows, Your Sorrows & Your Sufferings
  • Module Three: Reviewing the Impact on Your Soul
  • Module Four: Releasing the Darkness

Inner  Christmas 

 Receiving Inspirations

The Journey now moves into the illuminating darkness of the 12 Holy Nights when your soul seeks the  Threshold between ordinary earthly existence and the Spiritual World.

Each day between December 25 and January 5, you will receive a message for contemplation offering a new perspective on the Year’s theme. These messages will enter your soul to inspire wisdom, freedom, and love.  

The theme for 2024/25 will be

The Twelve Illuminations

Lynn will host four live zoom calls during the Holy Nights for sharing experiences, questions, and conversation.

Twelve Spiritual Illuminations

provide exquisite understanding of what brings the light of meaning and purpose to your soul and the cycle of your inner year.

Inner Epiphany

 Awakening to Purpose

Inner Epiphany guides you to recognizing those who support your epiphanies, provide you with what you need, notice your wisdom, stand beside you in the river and tell you it is time to meet your destiny.

No matter how old you are or how ordinary your life feels, Inner Epiphany will enrich your sense of self.  It will give a clear sense of meaning, point out your significance and help you shape your purpose.

Inner Epiphany is an online self-study course.  You receive a downloadable series of six 15-30 minute mp3 recordings along with printable materials and worksheets.  As a self-study course, you can experience Inner Epiphany at your own pace, at times you choose. If you have questions, need support, or want to share your “epiphanies” you have access to the course discussion board and can email me directly.

Lynn will offer 4 live zoom calls to enrich your experiences and respond to any questions.

I want Inner Epiphany to be a relaxed and aware experience for you. I will guide the process, but you will do the work.  No one can do it but you. This is the gift you give your Self.


What is Epiphany? An Introduction

The first two audios and series of handouts guide you to an imagination of the experience of epiphany.

Inner Epiphany: The Gifts & Your Birth

Both the Shepherds and the Kings bring gifts to the Baby Jesus.  These gifts have extraordinary significance and provide sustaining forces for fulfilling destiny.  Learn what each of the six gifts symbolizes.  Be inspired to imagine the gifts you need to fulfill your destiny.

In this lesson, you will find insights regarding the meaning and purpose of some big questions:

What is esoteric understanding?

What is innocent love?

What is wisdom?

To fulfill personal destiny in our modern times each of us must nurture and protect our own capacities for innocent love and true wisdom.


Inner Epiphany: The River & Your Higher Self

So much to ponder.  Each of us waits for the call to the river, the one we must step into to become the fullness of ourselves.  In this audio you will be guided to consider each aspect of your own inner baptism.

Discover the necessity of repentance. 

Learn to distinguish the 4 I AM’s

Learn to distinguish the 4 Reasons for Baptism

and much more.

Inner Epiphany: The Wedding & Your Manifestation

There are so many powerful metaphors in this Epiphany.  You will be given clear perspectives on how to use the metaphors to understand and perform the miracle of your deeds and destiny.  

Why a wedding?

The role of the Feminine.

Resistance – Is this the Fourth Temptation.

Understanding the 4 Levels of Will.

and much more.


Imagining Your New Year

Have you given up on imagining a new year and a new you? The idea of New Year’s Resolutions is so seductive. But the tradition is more like a game of wishes rather than a commitment to fulfilling intentions. In the New Year/New You! you will build an imagination and begin the journey toward your goals.  You will be confident in the journey. There will be detours, deadends, mazes, and mess-ups – each bringing value and lessons and paradoxically keep you moving forward. 

After many years of working with Inner Advent and the comprehensive recollection, review and release of the old year, I have turned the process inside out and shaped a program for imagining the new year and the new you. It is inspiring, focusing, and empowering. You will feel deeply motivated practically, morally, and spiritually. You will imagine, design and begin with creativity and responsibility.

I will bring to this webinar a powerful process for imagining your coming year. It is about possibilities, not expectations. We will look at the four quadrants of meaning and purpose: the contributions we will make, the relationships we will deepen, the well-being we will achieve, and the inner development we will unfold. 



Saturday, January 13, 1PM – 3PM Eastern

Sunday, January 14, 1PM – 3PM Eastern

You will receive a beautiful workbook to support your Inner Year Planning.

These are live working sessions over zoom.

I am really thrilled to do these webinars. They will inspire you from the heights, ground you from the depths, and organize you in the breadths of your sense of self. And most importantly, you will be connecting with a nurturing and nourishing community.

  • Imagine your mission for the year.
  • Determine your guiding principles.
  • Consider what you will release from your life and what you will introduce to your life.  
  • Recognize what help, resources, guidance and support you will need . 
  • Learn to trust your process and the purpose. 
  • Learn the four underlying seasonal questions. 
  • Much more…

My Soul and The World are But One!

Each of us has had our own inner year filled with new and complex thoughts and feelings occurring in surprising and disturbing times.

How do we make sense of it all?

Every year requires recollection, review, and release. We need to end the passing year wisely. We need to celebrate, grieve, and forgive. We each need to understand the meaning of the year we lived.

We also need to begin the New Year wisely, not just with New Year’s Resolutions or Three Words of Intention but with a series of inspired and illuminating epiphanies. We need to see our own soul’s purpose for the next 12 months.

Our souls need us to take up this activity of inner awareness. The world needs each of us as individuals to do this on behalf of all. The future, our children, and grandchildren need us to take the Inner Christmas Journey every year.

 The Inner Christmas Journey offers new light, new warmth, new resonance, and new forces to bring about new self-consciousness and new world -consciousness. Our souls, together, one by one, will birth a new enlivened way to be together.

But this is not a wish, or a dream. It is not political, financial, social, religious, or selfish. The Inner Christmas Journey is a spiritual activity, a moral contribution, and a personal deed. This journey is traveled alone to a destination of inner development and world blessing.

What a journey that was through the Holy Nights! I learned so much about myself–both my beautiful parts that I can now allow to shine more brilliantly, and the parts that need bolstering and encouragement to step out and show themselves.

This year will include the exciting adventure of integrating these parts, bringing them together, and doing the work of establishing harmony between them.


Kelli McAllister

Louisville, KY

For many decades, I have had an end-of-year practice of reviewing my year by writing a general Christmas letter to those I send cards to and a journal entry more specific to my own reflections on the past year and intentions for the next. I have participated in the Inner Christmas Journey for two years now. Lynn’s processes and suggestions have deepened and broadened both of those traditions for me. The exercises are creative, meaningful, practical and inspirational. They are adaptable to however much time you have to devote to birthing love, freedom, and wisdom in living your life. I hope you choose to give this gift to yourself!

-Peg Carmody


When I discovered Lynn’s Holy Nights messages, over a decade ago, I felt as though some part of my seeking call was met with resonant reply. Eventually, I felt called to enter into the Inner Advent journey, where I engaged deeply with my actual, living, sacred, year. This is not the refuge of ancient thoughts, lectures or invocations from a guru but rather my engagement with my individual life. Each of the past seven years since then has been an ever deepening reckoning with my inner inaccuracies, my hardened concepts and habits into no less than a conscious metamorphosis of my soul. This growing capacity to welcome myself supports my love of truth and also my love and compassion for all beings. Lynn’s brilliance is her ability to call forth self knowledge. I am profoundly grateful for her own ever deepening which allows my practice to become richer, subtler and more intricate each year.   

-Jane Reed

Just to make sure in checking for past emails it was quite remarkable glancing back to being with you since 2008!!!! with The Inner Year!!!  What gifts you have shared with so many on this journey of life.  I am humbled to have been a part of much of your/our work together!  Amazing!

-Barb Boeheim

Participating in the inner Christmas journey was an incredibly nourishing experience for me. Lynn’s messages along with the questions helped me hold a space for myself that was healing, loving and encouraging. I look forward to being apart of this loving, supportive community and to continue yearly with this practice. 

-Katie Brown


Meet Lynn

Your Guide for The Inner Christmas Journey

20 Christmases…240 Messages

This is the 21st year of Inner Christmas Messages. The 21st theme that always seems inspired, not contrived.  It is the 17th year of Inner Advent. The 11th year of Inner Epiphany.

Lynn has been spiritually mentoring, coaching and supporting individual clients for 30 years. She gave her first workshop on “Money, Soul, and Spirit” in 1993. Since then she has designed and offered through the Imagine Self Academy over 25 programs for individuals who seek to find, know and become their highest self. Her courses challenge and comfort.

She is devoted to encouraging a deep understanding of the archetype of the human being and its unique expression in each and every individual.

This is what Lynn offers/gives: the ground of self-compassion, the direction of self-awareness, and the guidance for becoming fully alive. Lynn has designed the maps, the mirrors, and the methods of selfhood.

A philosopher and spiritual researcher of the mysteries of self, Lynn writes about the meaning and purpose of self and the ways we unfold as self. Not simply instinctually, habitually, but creatively, consciously, and willfully. Lynn encourages the great questions: Who am I? Why am I here now? How do I love?


Bring the Passing Year to a Meaningful Closure with Inner Advent

Receive The Gifts of the Archangels with the Inner Christmas Messages

Prepare The Elements of Destiny for the Coming Year with Inner Epiphany

Bonus: Imagining  Your New Year


 Join the Worldwide Community of

The Inner Christmas Journey

Your journey includes

Inner Advent — The Year of Light ($67)

Inner Advent — The Year of Darkness ($67)

The Inner Christmas Messages: The Twelve Illuminations ($28)

Inner Epiphany ($67)

Bonus: Imagining Your New Year ($67)

$296 value for $97.


The Value to Your Soul and Sense of Self…Priceless!

Connect with Lynn

Send me any questions.

Do you have concerns about the cost and it impact on your finances, contact me and we will find a fee that will work for you.

If you decide the Inner Christmas Journey is not for you for any reason. Let me know and I will give you a full refund.


Just email me using the form below.

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