by Lynn Jericho | Mar 3, 2020 | Images of Self, Inner Year
How does March offer meaning to your soul? Does March make you glad, sad, or mad? Which parts of your soul are the lions and which are the lambs? What roars and what bleats? I looked up the definition of “bleat” and learned it is “a wavering...
by Lynn Jericho | Apr 28, 2017 | Images of Self, New Spiritual Practices
Yes, badass! What does this word mean in the context of Imagine Self? What does badass have to do with the soul? With spirituality? With the feminine? This notion of the badass soul was inspired by a friend who is celebrating a new phase of her life. She is giving...
by Lynn Jericho | Dec 22, 2016 | Esoteric Christianity, Inner Festivals, Understanding Your Soul
What could be a more intimate gift than a gift you give your soul? What does the self give the self? If your soul were to make a list of gifts it wants/needs/deserves from you over the year what would be on that list? If your soul made a list of gifts it wants from...
by Lynn Jericho | May 19, 2016 | Sense of Self, Understanding Your Soul
I want YOUR reality (and remember the use of any possessive pronoun makes the meaning of the noun subjective, not objective!) to be solid…useful…delightful. I want you to own your reality and celebrate its subjectivity. This is why I created the online...
by Lynn Jericho | Feb 19, 2016 | Esoteric Christianity, Inner Festivals, New Spiritual Practices
We are more than a week into the seven weeks of the Lenten Season. How is your inner work approaching the amazing strength that comes with vanquishing temptations? Could Inner Lent help your soul? I offered Inner Lent for the first time in 2009. For seven years,...