by Lynn Jericho | Dec 2, 2021 | Images of Self, New Spiritual Practices
Would it calm you to have a conscious path for your inner development: a process, a practice, and evolving perspectives. Conscious inner development never offers perfection. If you are seeking perfection, you will never experience joy, grace, or miracle. You will...
by Lynn Jericho | Dec 2, 2021 | Esoteric Christianity, Images of Self, Inner Festivals, Inner Year
Inner Neutrality is essential to Your Inner Advent Define neutrality for yourself. What does it mean to be neutral? What does it feel like to be neutral? Here are some thoughts toconsider. Neutralʼs etymology is from Latin neuter ʻneither,ʼ from ne- ʻnotʼ + uter...
by Lynn Jericho | Oct 20, 2021 | Images of Self, Understanding Your Soul
“I Matter!” Say this every day at least three times. Out loud! Feet on the Ground! Head High! Shoulders Relaxed! Chest full! Know that today (every day) you matter. You have value. You have significance. You have consequence. You have importance. You have...
by Lynn Jericho | Sep 23, 2021 | Images of Self, New Spiritual Practices, Wisdom of Selfhood
She called last night. Her voice was fragile. She hadn’t called me in years, but the bond has always lived in our hearts. She was calling to tell me she was in palliative care with cancer and would soon be crossing the threshold. Shock. Sadness. My heart stopped for...
by Lynn Jericho | Jan 9, 2021 | Images of Self, New Spiritual Practices
Something Each of Us Can Do for Our Country, Our World, Our Future The moral challenges and painful divisions of American society in 2020 have been in the making since 1776. We cannot blame any one individual or any one political party or any one or more...
by Lynn Jericho | Dec 20, 2020 | Images of Self, Inner Festivals
For the last few weeks, I have been living with a powerful, but undefined image, the Solstice Body. For years, the Christmas Solstice has been important to me. The Invincible Sun…I’ve thought about it and written about it — loving its annual mystery and significance....