
False Witness — Good Friday

As I work into Inner Easter, I realize what a watered-down, idealized and dramatized, Inner Hollywood, Inner Easter Basket, token and cloudy relationship I’ve had to every aspect of the Easter Mystery. Over twenty years ago I found my way to the wisdom shared by...

Inner Easter

Is it Universal? Beyond Christianity? How does Easter live in your heart each year? What is its meaning for you? How do you celebrate this holy time and holy story? I ask this question of all my readers, whether you are Christian or not. The Inner Year looks to the...

Intimacy Teleseminar

Intimacy – Finding the Courage and the Compassion to Know and Being Known.Life is a schooling for intimacy and most of us are flunking out and repeating the introductory courses over and over. Why?Intimate relationships are a big risk. They ask us to be...