by Lynn Jericho | Apr 6, 2012 | Inner Year |
As I work into Inner Easter, I realize what a watered-down, idealized and dramatized, Inner Hollywood, Inner Easter Basket, token and cloudy relationship I’ve had to every aspect of the Easter Mystery. Over twenty years ago I found my way to the wisdom shared by...
by Lynn Jericho | Apr 3, 2012 | Inner Festivals, New Spiritual Practices |
Is it Universal? Beyond Christianity? How does Easter live in your heart each year? What is its meaning for you? How do you celebrate this holy time and holy story? I ask this question of all my readers, whether you are Christian or not. The Inner Year looks to the...
by Lynn Jericho | Jul 4, 2010 | Inner Year
Intimacy – Finding the Courage and the Compassion to Know and Being Known.Life is a schooling for intimacy and most of us are flunking out and repeating the introductory courses over and over. Why?Intimate relationships are a big risk. They ask us to be...