Your Solstice Attention

It is a threshold time of year. We are ending one cycle and beginning another. Thresholds are times to reflect on what was and anticipate what will be. Here are some threshold questions to contemplate. Do find time to sit with yourself, have a cup of tea or a glass of...

Design, Structure, Questions, Intimacy

I’ve spent the last week redesigning the Inner Spring program on Intimacy. I’m so excited by this program because it makes sense of many of the mysteries of relationship. It succeeds by providing a well-designed process and offering a number of structures or...

Darkest Dawn — Easter Sunday Questions

Today is Easter Sunday, 2012. We celebrate the Resurrection today. I’d love to just jump to feelings of Hallelujah and images of the Risen Christ, but the day begins with Mary Magdalen visiting the tomb to be with the corpse. So let us find our Easter questions in...