by Lynn Jericho | Feb 14, 2017 | Images of Self, Understanding Your Soul
I’ve been wondering about love my whole life. I am just coming to the recognition that I have focused on love story, not love. Love is not a story. Romance is a story. Love is not adding something to your life or subtracting. For Valentine’s Day, I want to ask you to...
by Lynn Jericho | Sep 21, 2016 | New Spiritual Practices, Understanding Your Soul
Equilibrium is a state in which opposing forces or influences are balanced. Today is the Equinox and the opposing forces of day and night, light and dark are balanced for a moment. It seems like a perfect day to reflect on equilibrium. I don’t think human beings were...
by Lynn Jericho | Dec 21, 2014 | Inner Festivals, Inner Year |
In the next few hours we will experience the Solstice in the outer world. In the calendar of the soul we can imagine surrendering to the three days of soul stillness and emptiness that fall between the release of the old inner year and the beginning of the new inner...