by Lynn Jericho | May 19, 2016 | Sense of Self, Understanding Your Soul
I want YOUR reality (and remember the use of any possessive pronoun makes the meaning of the noun subjective, not objective!) to be solid…useful…delightful. I want you to own your reality and celebrate its subjectivity. This is why I created the online...
by Lynn Jericho | Sep 7, 2015 | Images of Self, Understanding Your Soul
But my world is still unpredictable And still I survive By the grace of chance And The strength of my choices This is my rewrite of the closing sentence of a chapter called “Choices” from an exquisite book, Gathering Moss: A Natural and Cultural History of Mosses...
by Lynn Jericho | May 25, 2015 | Inner Festivals, Sense of Self
Usually it is what is right before you that you fail to notice. It escapes you. “Nothing escaped his notice: attention, observation, awareness, consciousness, perception; regard, consideration, scrutiny; watchfulness, vigilance, attentiveness” from a...
by Lynn Jericho | Mar 3, 2015 | Images of Self, Sense of Self, Understanding Your Soul
Do not sign up for Core Imaginations lightly, but do not dismiss Core Imaginations lightly, either. Core Imaginations is a leap into the mysterious depths of pure selfhood, the holy solitude where you belong to no one but yourself. It where you choreograph your own...
by Lynn Jericho | Oct 11, 2014 | Sense of Self, Understanding Your Soul |
Freedom in Naming I read these two phrases, ambiguous loss and frozen grief, in a recent article in the AARP magazine and felt a part of my soul had found a name. I speak and write often about the importance of naming. All our feelings need a name. If we can’t...