Thanksgiving is over and your soul is now ready to enter into the mood of Advent.

For me, for my soul, Advent is a mood that is complex, sometimes confusing.

My Advent mood is full of contradiction like anticipation and reflection, sadness and happiness, bleakness and richness, silence and trumpets, stillness and urgency.  I want to think and contemplate.  I want to do and create.  I want to feel deeply, finding a wise and tender harmony of soul.  Likewise, I want sink into the delight of a child wondering through Toyland.

For the last seven years, I have spent 2-3 hours a week during Advent going into my soul. I have practiced Inner Advent. I find this inner attention gives me a seasonal grounding. I manage the other 165 hours of the week with more centeredness, more equanimity, and more clarity. But the most beautiful gift is the inner fullness…an overflowing sense of self as a living and loving spirit.

Inner Advent guides you through a creative and powerful process for recollecting your year.  You will learn ways to review your year and discover what it was all about.  You will then release the perceptions and energies of 2016 like a sweet celebratory exhale and a kind forgiving sigh.

Practicing Inner Advent prepares the soul, cleanses self-doubt, cultivates self-awareness, nurtures self-discovery in a way that allows us to enter into the mystery of the twelve Holy Nights with deep spiritual openness.

Working with your past year is working on your future year.

Inner Advent brings creative closure to your year

  • makes sense of your year on many rich levels – work, relationships, changes, difficulties, emotions.
  • provides a surprisingly objective knowledge of your truth
  • forms an evolving picture of your feeling life
  • acknowledges your accomplishments
  • helps free you from limiting identities, stories and reactions
  • reveals the love and freedom of your soul’s year
  • gives you a feeling of completion and liberation
  • encourages inner development and inner maturity
  • opens you up to receive the gifts of Inner Christmas

Here are  two comments from Inner Advent participants:

Lynn, thank you so much for this. this audio content is as a vessel through which flows profound healing; it encourages me in an inviting way to live the processes of releasing the inner year gently and with love. I am so thankful for the way in which even small steps, beginning gestures – whatever had been possible – are actually far-reaching in effect… The work of celebrating, mourning, attending to regrets and awakening self-forgiveness are described so beautifully. I also cherish the inclusion of the shadow in a ‘just right’ way – in an honouring way. Lynn that you have deeply meditated and pondered on spiritual insight such that it bears fruit in this way moves me and awakens wonder and thankfulness. It is living. It is as grace. It enables my inner process. Anne D.

I’ve learned through this process that what happens in my “outer world” or contexts is important and is fun to reflect on but that the rich stuff is what’s been going on in “the deeds” or my inner world 🙂 I’m really enjoying creating my mandala. I too am using photoshop for the work. I love this class Lynn! It’s excellent!! Melissa M

Please give yourself the gift of Inner Advent this year.

The original Inner Advent:

Your Truth, Your Beauty, Your Goodness

and the path through the light of your soul.

 Learn more and register here.

The new Inner Advent:

Your Shadows, Sorrows and Sufferings

and the path through the darkness of your soul.

Learn more and register here.

An Advent Gift for You

If you want to know more about the season of Advent and the wonderful rituals that can enrich and deepen your Advent experience, I have a gift for you. It is an audio about an hour long.  Download it to your phone and take a nice long late Autumn walk.

Advent – A Beautiful Preparation

Inner Year Mandala
I’ve designed
 The Inner Year Mandala.
It is an elegant and inspiring design for gathering your thoughts, feelings, deeds and contexts,

during Inner Advent and over the coming year.
I love this!
Place it on a wall in your study, your bedroom, mine’s in the kitchen! and

it is a beautiful reminder to notice and record your inner life.

Order Your Mandala Here

Are the holidays a challenging time for you?

Book yourself 20 complimentary minutes with me.


 Here’s a link for my book:
Six Ways to Celebrate Christmas! & Celebrate You!