Loving the Corpse

Loving the Corpse: The Pieta Experience In this Inner Easter post, I am going to suggest that behind all the Pieta sculptures and paintings is one of the great lessons or initiations or thresholds of inner development.  It makes Easter live in your heart of hearts.  ...

The Solstice Body

For the last few weeks, I have been living with a powerful, but undefined image, the Solstice Body. For years, the Christmas Solstice has been important to me. The Invincible Sun…I’ve thought about it and written about it — loving its annual mystery and significance....

Sovereignty & Your Self

e  Photo by Lars Kuczynski on Unsplash Dear Friends, One month from today, September 29th,  is Michaelmas when we bring to our consciousness the qualities of the Archangel Micha-el.  I want to suggest a Micha-elic word/experience to contemplate every day for this...