by Lynn Jericho | Sep 4, 2020 | Images of Self, Inner Year, New Spiritual Practices
I wrote the draft of this post at 6AM on the First of September 2020 as I was thinking about the September Soul, my September Soul. How do I feel about September? Does September change my thinking? My intentions? My heart? My longings? This is the 73rd September of my...
by Lynn Jericho | Jun 21, 2020 | Images of Self, New Spiritual Practices, Understanding Your Soul
, It’s Sunday morning, June 21, 2020 as I write this. It’s Father’s Day here in the US. September 25th will be the 100th anniversary of my father’s birth. He died at 86. In the photo, my father, Walter Hewitt, is 30 years old. If I want to move beyond the sentimental...
by Lynn Jericho | May 23, 2020 | Images of Self, Understanding Your Soul
It’s been pouring rain here in North Carolina for several days. POURING…no sun. I spent these wet gray days shining some light on pivots and pivoting and I saw so much. I went looking for an image to bring a visual element to this blog thinking I...
by Lynn Jericho | Apr 15, 2020 | Esoteric Christianity, Images of Self, Inner Festivals, New Spiritual Practices
What do you want to “do” for Easter this year? Do you want to worship? Do you want to work? Or both? Worship will be difficult in the pandemic. So you may want to focus on the inner work this year. How do you define worship? Worship, the act of reverent devotion, is...
by Lynn Jericho | Mar 20, 2020 | Images of Self
Below I share my waking thoughts from this morning in poetic form. I am calling it “Between”. I also share Lynn Ungar’s brilliant poem, “Pandemic” and the Buddha’s thoughts on “Better.” I’ve attached all...
by Lynn Jericho | Mar 3, 2020 | Images of Self, Inner Year
How does March offer meaning to your soul? Does March make you glad, sad, or mad? Which parts of your soul are the lions and which are the lambs? What roars and what bleats? I looked up the definition of “bleat” and learned it is “a wavering...