by Lynn Jericho | Jul 31, 2021 | New Spiritual Practices, Sense of Self, Substack
I was writing this essay to send out on the 4th of July, Independence Day, but I ended up in the hospital for a couple of days and then had to recover. I am well now, almost. I have rewritten and edited my thoughts on Neighborly Love a couple of times as it addresses...
by Lynn Jericho | Jun 19, 2021 | Inner Year, Sense of Self, Understanding Your Soul
Yes, I am asking you to think about your father and Venus.You’ll see how important this is as you read through this post. Do you want to awaken compassionate imagination about your experience of your father and find peace in seeing into the mysterious...
by Lynn Jericho | May 9, 2021 | Inner Year, Sense of Self, Understanding Your Soul
The 4th Holy Night: Feeling Holy Compassion When we go to the Great Threshold and meet with the Gods on this 4th Holy Night, we are transfused with compassion. Why has it taken me 17 years of devotion to the Holy Nights to come to...
by Lynn Jericho | Mar 21, 2021 | Substack, Wisdom of Selfhood
In this post, I will share my newly imagined thoughts on the inner consciousness of Jesus Christ, an esoteric, unboxable, ever-expanding understanding. What is Christ-Consciousness? If I was to ask 20 people “What is Christ-Consciousness?” I would get 20...
by Lynn Jericho | Jan 9, 2021 | Images of Self, New Spiritual Practices
Something Each of Us Can Do for Our Country, Our World, Our Future The moral challenges and painful divisions of American society in 2020 have been in the making since 1776. We cannot blame any one individual or any one political party or any one or more...
by Lynn Jericho | Dec 20, 2020 | Images of Self, Inner Festivals
For the last few weeks, I have been living with a powerful, but undefined image, the Solstice Body. For years, the Christmas Solstice has been important to me. The Invincible Sun…I’ve thought about it and written about it — loving its annual mystery and significance....
by Lynn Jericho | Sep 4, 2020 | Images of Self, Inner Year, New Spiritual Practices
I wrote the draft of this post at 6AM on the First of September 2020 as I was thinking about the September Soul, my September Soul. How do I feel about September? Does September change my thinking? My intentions? My heart? My longings? This is the 73rd September of my...
by Lynn Jericho | Aug 28, 2020 | New Spiritual Practices, Sacred Conversations
Today, Friday (August 28) is Johann Wolfgang von Goethe’s birthday (1749-1832). The poet/scientist is the source of many of my beloved quotes. Here are the two at the top of my list: “Human life runs it course in the metamorphosis between receiving and...
by Lynn Jericho | Aug 1, 2020 | Wisdom of Selfhood
Photo by Laura Olsen on Unsplash The month begins with clouds. Clouds that couldn’t be more different: the cloud of the atom bomb over Hiroshima and the cloud illuminating the Transfiguration of Jesus Christ. Each of us has in our souls both of these gestures: the...
by Lynn Jericho | Jul 22, 2020 | Wisdom of Selfhood
How would your life change if you understood the three options we have for designing relationships? Would you feel safer, wiser, more willing to love, to receive, to give, to say no, to walk away, to hang in, to transform? Below I share the three options. I am certain...