The Inner Christmas Inner Views
Yes, these Inner Christmas Inner Views are gifts for you – gifts that make Christmas
more conscious,
more peaceful,
more fulfilling
by essentially, developing a mature and measured Christmas
of wise choices and good will.

 Bari Tessler-Linden – Christmas & Money

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Money and Christmas  – it is so complicated and intense… who can help us out here?

Bari Tessler-Linden shares some terrific guidance for building a more conscious, peaceful, and fulfilling financial reality at Christmas.

Bari suggests a number of ways to pay attention to your money life at Christmas:waking up to your Christmas money story, creating and sticking to a Christmas budget, having Christmas money conversations and more.

Use this Inner View to reflect on this Christmas’ financial reality and to imagine next year’s.

This Inner View is “worth it’s weight in gold!” and learn about Bari’s ‘The Art of Money Course” and she has a great post on a year-end money ritual.

If you want to know more about Inner Christmas, please visit


Here are the links to the other 2013 Inner Views…

Listen to these inspiring inner views on the opportunities of this extraordinary time of year.

Waverly Fitzgerald, wise woman, writer, shares her traditions around
Christmas & Nature.

Mark McGuinness, poet, entrepreneur, coach, speaks about
Christmas and the Creative Entrepreneur.

Bari Tessler-Linden, financial therapist, shares her insights on
Christmas and Money.

Charlie Gilkey, business consultant, coach, discusses
Christmas and the Four Levels of Communication.

Mary Oak, writer, teacher, editor, brings compassion to
Christmas & Illness.

The Inner Views are about 20 minutes each.