It is a threshold time of year. We are ending one cycle and beginning another. Thresholds are times to reflect on what was and anticipate what will be.

Here are some threshold questions to contemplate. Do find time to sit with yourself, have a cup of tea or a glass of wine, work (don’t just passively read) with the questions, write down the thoughts, feelings, and intentions they inspire. Be real. Be good to yourself. Stretch. Think wisely.

Beyond the questions I have two gifts for you. Four weeks of The Inner Year Journal pages and a printable encouraging and affirming to remind you of the three key relationships of your inner life. Register here to receive the gifts.

Share this email and the gift with your friends. Invite them to Inner Christmas.

Tomorrow I will be sending you a description of the theme for the Inner Christmas Messages this year.

Threshold Questions

What do you pay attention to at this time of the year?

What do you want to pay attention to at this time of the year?

Is your attention dominated by habit? by avoidance? by anxiety and pretense? by conscious intention?

Or do you choose, in freedom and love, where to place your attention?


Are you reflecting on your inner development and your self-expression during 2012, the year that is ending?

What do you know about yourself now, that you didn’t know a year ago?
What have you accomplished and achieved in your sense of self?
What needs to be mourned?
What needs to be celebrated?


Are you planning your inner development and your self-expression for 2013?
What do you want to know about yourself a year from now that you don’t know now?
Do you have goals for recognizing, organizing, evaluating, and evolving aspects of yourself?

If not now, when?

Practice saying and feeling these three statements and make your inner development plans for 2013.

I deserve a creative and confident relationship to myself!!!

What are you planning for 2013 that liberates your sense of self?

I deserve a creative and confident relationship to my past!

What are you planning for 2013 that heals your wounds?

I deserve a creative and confident relationship to my future!

What are you planning for 2013 that empowers your passion?

My work, the Imagine Self Curriculums, has been designed to guide and support you in creatively and confidently shaping these three central inner relationships. Following Inner Christmas I will be sending you an overview of course offerings for 2013 and on Monday, January 21, I will be offering a teleseminar on Inner Budgeting – a practical look at the affordability in time, attention, practice, and money and the path of inner development.