December 6 celebrates Saint Nicholas who evolved into Santa Claus.

St Nick

What does this saint/icon represent within the human soul? That’s the question I asked myself this morning. Here’s my answer and a few questions.

He’s the wondrous gift giver!

Find in your soul the wondrous gift giver. Please don’t confuse the WGG with the self-sacrificer that’s another kind of gift giving.

St Nick gives with marvelous joy.

Wondrous soul gifts are the just right gifts that make a difference, impact the life (inner or outer) of another. The wondrous gift provides something needed for feeling loved, for feeling awakened, for feeling free. It can be a smile, a look, a touch, a word.

The Two Lists

Inner Advent is the time of recollection.

Recall the wondrous gifts you gave with marvelous joy to others. Go ahead…make your Santa’s List, not of what you want for Christmas, but what you gave with marvelous joy throughout 2012.

Now make your other list…the list of all the St Nicks who came your way and joyously placed a bag of soul gold in your inner shoe. The gold that adds to the wealth of love and beauty, warmth and courage in your heart.

Always sweet and so sentimental!

Writing this and contemplating these Saint Nicholas Day thoughts, I just start melting. My most melting recollection of the St Nicks who gave to me are my four grandchildren, Ava, Edon, Flora, and Julien – talk about a twinkle in Santa’s eye. One look from anyone of them is just utterly wondrous.

But there have been my clients with their questioning needs to be heard that bless my soul with their courage and vulnerability.

My friends, who listen and share. What gifts of understanding, love, laughter, and sobering reflections.

And you my readers, who actually read my messages and posts. The mail service I use lets me see how many people have opened any email. Those numbers keep me going. Knowing there are several thousand people reading my messages and forwarding them to others — each one is a wondrous gift.

And every comment on the blog, or note of appreciation, sends me joy into every corner of my soul.

So in your list of the wondrous gifts you gave make sure you put down, “I read Lynn’s messages!”

To learn more about Saint Nicholas here are two links:
This link has a wonderful gallery of images of Saint Nicholas.
Wikipedia is always great. You might want to make a contribution to Wikipedia.