I want YOUR reality (and remember the use of any possessive pronoun makes the meaning of the noun subjective, not objective!) to be solid…useful…delightful. I want you to own your reality and celebrate its subjectivity. This is why I created the online course: The Three Shapers of Your Reality and why I want you to take it.

Whether you register for the course or not you will find what I share about “solid…useful…delightful” a wonderful way to work with your life. Likewise, the big words, ontology, taxonomy and choreography, will help you make sense of all the stuff of your life!  Please comment below.

The Wisdom of Vitruvius

It always amazes me when synchronicity appears to support my work.  I am preparing to redesign my website and found my way to the art and science of information architecture. Like biology underlying our lives, information architecture underlies the design of the website and the presentation of its content.  In a wonderful short video describing information architecture, the narrator refers to Vitruvius, the great Roman architect who wrote Da Architectura and described the Vitruvian Man which we know from Leonardo’s famous drawing.

explaining information architecture from Dan Klyn on Vimeo.

Vitruvius declares a structure must exhibit the three qualities of firmitas, utilitas, venustas– that is, it must be solid, useful, delightful. Living or working or playing or praying in a structure with these three qualities would then serve the individual. Every inner space you live in, including your political, emotional, cultural, social and spiritual realities needs to feel solid, useful and delightful! In the human being, the life body is the self that longs to be solid, useful and delightful so that our soul can confidently seek, know and manifest truth, beauty and goodness.

Our temperaments, our senses and our processes are the etheric architects that design so much of how we live, how we express ourselves, experience the world and engage with others. The Three Shapers of Your Reality is a solid, useful and delightful course for moving from an unconscious self to a self-designing self. 

When you understand the architectural activity of temperaments, the senses and the processes in yourself and others, your etheric body will be solid, useful and delightful. Your soul’s truth, beauty and goodness will be more at home in your body.

Ontology, Taxonomy & Choreography

The IA video also describes the three elements of information architecture which are also necessary for self-imagining, especially when working with the Three Shapers.

The IA video also describes the three elements of information architecture which are also necessary for self-imagining, especially when working with the Three Shapers:

  • Ontology: The archetypal concepts and ideas with their rules and patterns that live in all things. Ontology allows you to recognize and name each of the temperaments, senses and processes .
  • Taxonomy: The systems and relationships found in the complex structures of all things. Taxonomy allows you to organize and relate everything about your personality, perceptions and processing.
  • Choreography: The thoughtfully flowing movements bringing to life the dance of all the things that informs your life. Choreography allows you to move and develop all configurations of the Three Shapers gracefully and appropriately.

The Three Shapers of Your Reality offers you that self-knowledge. Remember self-knowledge opens up the way to knowing others and through knowing both self and others we can begin to bring peace in our homes and on earth. 

You will never really know yourself until you discern and understand the ontology, taxonomy and choreography of your points of view (the senses), of what is going on under your skin (the temperaments), and of how you integrate the many experiences of your life (the processes).

You will never really know yourself until you discern and understand the ontology, taxonomy and choreography of your points of view (the senses), of what is going on under your skin (the temperaments), and of how you integrate the many experiences of your life (the processes).

Imagine loving yourself enough to take up the difficult, wonderful task of knowing yourself. It’s beyond just being yourself. The Three Shapers of Your Reality offers you that self-knowledge.  Remember self-knowledge opens up the way to knowing others and through knowing both self and others we can begin to bring peace in our homes and on earth. 

Wouldn’t you like to know the Three Shapers and learn how they work, how they shape the reality in which you live? How they design the reality of your interior self and your exterior self?  The Three Shapers are the architects of all that instinctually informs your naive self. To become wise in your self-knowledge and creative in your experience of life you must educate yourself in these three shapers. You must know and recognize the 4 temperaments, the 12 senses, and the 8 life processes. Then you can be the master architect, building the solid, useful and delightful dwelling for an extraordinary life of truth, beauty and goodness.

Note: for those active in Waldorf and Anthroposophical communities, The Three Shapers of Your Reality brings much deeper insights and alternative perspectives around these key elements of being human than what you have already learned.

Fears & Resistance

Now what you might be afraid of is the truth that it is our weaknesses, the fragility, the inefficiency, the annoyances and agonies of the temperaments, senses and processes that will be made evident in The Three Shapers of Your Reality. But don’t be afraid… be enthusiastic and eager. Your weaknesses are your opportunities. They are where you find your capacity to evaluate and evolve…to imagine your self.  The imagined self takes hold of weaknesses with courage, compassion and creativity and miracles of self unfold.

Spend this summer getting to know The Three Shapers of Your Reality.

Learn more about this online, self-study course with three live Q and A webinars with me and register here.

There is a 20% discount until June 15th. If you need scholarship or a payment plan contact Lynn.