What do sneakers have to do with the soul? A lot when we think of the body/soul connection. My sneakers have a lot to do with how my soul meets life, stands up, moves forward and feels comfortable.
The Real Impact of Sneakers on My Soul
I just got a new pair of sneakers. They fit my feet. They are comfortable. I can imagine walking in them for miles. I believe having my new sneakers may actually ground my soul in many longed for ways and let me move forward and stand tall comfortably.
My feet have evolved, i.e. they have gotten bigger, flatter and wider. My old sneakers hurt, so I needed the next size (My new sneakers are big boats! Size 12W! Long and wide. I have always worn size 11B. Now 12W! Nothing dainty or feminine. I have always had the biggest feet and ridiculously high arches. Shoes and sneakers have always been a misery of looks, fit and finding.)
My soul has evolved, too. My thoughts go higher, my feelings deeper and my deeds wider. My sense of self needs more room to be comfortable in its meaning and purpose. Like our toes get pinched in tight shoes our souls get pinched by old narrow ways of being.
I want to share with you one of my big insights about comfort and self-imagination.
Comfort & Self-Imagining
A self-imagination needs to be comfortable in your soul. Comfort is threefold. It consoles, strengthens and consolidates. I wrote about each of the 12 Comforts of Soul for Inner Christmas 2016/17 and I just finished a year-long course with an amazing group of souls on Deepening the 12 Comforts.
I LLLLLOOOOVVVE how your questions can elicit such reactions from parts of me. They niggle, they unzip, they make parts of me shake, they challenge and I get busy with what is true and living again. I am less brittle, less rigid, less hidden each time I do this work with you. Thank you!
Cez Manila, Phillippines, a Deepening the Twelve Comforts participant.
A comfortable soul does not depend on appearances (having dainty feminine feet and a closet full of sexy shoes) or on our biographical stories (Cinderella fantasies). Comfort is a consciousness with a capacity for right relationships, for being grounded, strong and flexible, for feeling free to be and evolve spiritually, morally and practically. When my thinking comes close to truth, I am comfortable. When my feeling life reveals moral beauty, I am comfortable in myself. When my will manifests in deeds that do no harm and provide goodness, I am comfortable.
Everything I do in my work as a writer, a mentor, a designer of inner development courses and workshops finds its motive in the destiny of guiding others to establish comfort in their consciousness, in how they imagine and express their Self. All I do is help people find the imagination that fits the self.
Happiness vs. Comfort
Let’s look at happiness vs comfort. Happiness is a fragile and temporary state. Wisdom is lasting comfort. A few individuals of extremely sanguine temperament, may always be positive. No matter how badly their feet hurt they keep dancing, but most of us, don’t trust or expect happiness to last and when our feet start killing us, we sit down to take the load off and we seek the comfort of transcendent purpose and meaning. We are not looking for a day at the beach, a bikini-perfect appearance or an invitation to the Ball. We want to be the highest, most fruitful, constantly evolving, harmonious self.
When we have soul sneakers that are the right fit…the right imagination… we can run the marathon of the inner life and win!
I want you to win comfortably.
The 12 Comforts
Here are the twelve comforts that fully enlivened in your consciousness will console, strengthen and consolidate your sense of self…twelve soul sneakers! Notice that each comfort is about the “rubber hitting the road.” The rubber sole is the comfortable soul! The comfortable soul can sing out…
I birth wondrous innocence.
I speak living questions.
I hear quiet wisdom
I feel tender self-compassion.
I express myself with courageous authenticity.
I embrace my limitations.
I recognize my essential needs.
I activate my inner resolve.
I enliven my imaginations.
I perceive my inner freedom.
I radiate universal love.
I unite with cosmic harmonies.
Enlivening the Twelve Comforts 2018
An Imagine Self Academy course
I will be offering a year-long course on Enlivening the Twelve Comforts beginning Saturday, February 3. We will be working with each comfort for four weeks (To get value from the course, you will need to spend 30-120 minutes each week.). There will be webinars, prompts for reflections, and conversations, an active discussion forum, access to me for personal guidance and the presence of angels. No matter where you live on the planet you can participate in this online course. All course content is downloadable.
You can learn all about it and register by clicking here. https://theimagineselfacademy.com/courses/61/
I found the 12 Comforts doing to my self-sense and soul-seeking and what I imagine that to be, from day-to-day, what it set out to do with LJ at the helm. It confirmed what I was born knowing, that the Universe is on my side and there is love as IT’S ultimate meaning, if we would only let go of our false egoism and impossible ‘petty’ dreams. Existence is God’s, ‘the gods’ ‘BIG DREAM and we have to find our way to play our part in that, as best we can. LJ was such a great navigator on our behalf on this wider sea.
Stephen Johnson, UK, a participant in Deepening the Twelve Comforts 2017