Answering Life’s Questions…

Life’s questions begin as feelings: Why do I have this feeling now? Why do I always feel this way? What happened then, that keeps me from feeling the way I want to feel now? How do I let go of old feelings? and so on.

The answers to most, if not all, of life’s questions live in self-knowledge. And self knowledge develops through an understanding of human biographical development in general and one’s own biography in particular.  All Inner Life Biography Programs guide you to the questions and answers that heal, liberate and empower all aspects of your life.

Inner Life Biography Programs guide and inspire you to see the details of your life story in the warm light of compassionate objectivity. In the details of your life stories, you find what you seek in your life’s mysterious unfolding.

The First Veils from Birth to Age 7

“ Lynn Jericho’s seminars are so very worthwhile. They are engaging, revealing, insightful, and deeply satisfying. Lynn brings great wisdom, humor and kindness as well as a gift for being present with the group and to the needs of individuals.
Working with Lynn has brought clarity of thinking, awareness of feeling and certainty in action to my life. I am grateful to Lynn for offering these seminars and look forward to her future offerings. ”

Lisa Boisvert MacKensie. Editor  of The Wonder of Childhood

Do you want to make sense of your life? Lifting the Veils provides a safe, yet challenging, creative way to discover the life and soul shaping energy of your memories. You will meet the stories that have shaped your feeling patterns, your relationship choices, your sense of worth, and your success in living your life.

You may feel you don’t remember much from your first seven years of life, but what you learned in those years is the source of your sense of yourself, your sense of others, your sense of the world and your sense of the future. Not lifting the veils to your early experiences leaves you unconscious and unfree. You remain on automatic, operating on judgements you made before you were capable of discerning any choice.

In order to move beyond instinct and unconsciousness, you must take up the work of re-membering your first seven years.  You need solve the mysteries of your patterns and habits of thought, feeling and behavior. You lift each of the veils and begin to see clearly.

Lifting the Veils – The First Veils from Birth to 7. presents a wisdom of the archetypal relationships formed in the first seven years of life and offers a process for each participant to consider how their first seven years unfolded.  The course is much more than recollecting the memories and retelling the stories, it is about becoming aware of the learning, the adaptations, the perspectives and the ways of relating formed before you lost a single baby tooth that shaped the rest of your life. 

Lifting the Veils is filled with “ahha!” and “oh, my goodness!” and “Now I understand!”  Most wonderful is the way this process frees you to experience a new, more loving relationship to your experience of self. 

Is Lifting the Veils for You?

Yes, it is for you!

Whether you had a perfect childhood or one filled with unspeakable abuse, this course will give you freedom to be self-aware, self-nurturing, to find your place in the world, to have the confidence to change how you relate to life, to ideas, to choices, to intimacy, to your body, to your work, to growing older, to God, to having fun and all the other myriad aspects of living.

Is Lifting the Veils emotionally safe?

Lifting the Veils, like all the Imagine Self programs, is designed to be practically, emotionally and spiritually supportive of taking the risks necessary to heal, liberate and empower your soul, your inner sense of self. 

Each one of us has fears and doubts about this work of finding, knowing and becoming ourselves. Imagine Self programs carry the mood of the Threshold.  It is at the Threshold that we become conscious of ourselves.  At the Threshold all our protections and defenses start to fade, even disintegrate. Very scary to the part of our souls that clings to the threats and comforts of the past, familiar, even though unfulfilling, but very exhilirating to the part of our souls that wants to live in the mysterious, surprising and fulfilling world of freedom and love, the future free of old scripts and adaptations.  

Lifting the Veils provides a dual approach to heart and head. It presents materials that are intellectually sound and emotionally resonant.  Both ways of questioning, learning, and maturing are satisfied.

Disclaimer: Lifting the Veils is not a magic wand, silver bullet or a quick fix.  It is not designed to rescue, fix or transform.  It is a process that requires commitment, patience, perseverance, and work. It is inspiring in its wisdom, guidance and possibilities. It is simply a soul journey on which a single step opens up a new vista on who you are. With each inner step you have arrived at a new inner destination of self to visit, explore, discover.

How does Lifting the Veils Work?

Each session focuses on an archetypal learning experience of early childhood. The clear, creative and compassionate presentations trigger insight, revealation, and understanding. Selfwork exercises to do in between the webinars deepen and empower the process. Then there are the partner conversations which bring a nurturing warmth to your process as you share questions based on the archetypes of the first seven years.

Each session is recorded and materials and suggestions for selfwork are provided.  You can relisten to each session as often as you wish.  The selfwork exercises can be practiced over and over.  Many participants build lasting relationships with their partners — relationships that are based on supporting each others inner development.

Each group has between 4 and 12 particpants.  It is intimate.

The course uses phone or skype and your computer (to see the slides).  You experience is auditory and visual. 

Here is a list of some of the benefits of the program

You will…

  • Know yourself with greater self-compassion
  • Discover the fundamental karma of your life
  • Find the gift of making the decisions that are right for who you are now and who you are becoming.
  • Release family patterns.
  • Break your future free from your past.
  • Finally understand the root of your feelings.
  • Experience finally being the designer of your life.

The Course Design

Partial descriptions of what is focused on in each session.

Session One – Conception, Gestation & Birth
How these primary experiences shape your life is astounding.  We have felt memories and powerfully embedded “instincts” beginning with our conception such as the feeling that we are wanted or not wanted.  We learn in those few months how life provides for our needs. We have a lasting impression of how easily we cross thresholds.

Session Two – Space

How do we experience the many relationships to space? Movement, boundaries and limitations, comfort, texture, hidden spaces, natural spaces, forbidden spaces, doorways, chairs, cribs & beds, shelves are all filled with experiences, emotions, demands, and energies.

Session Three – Time
Are you always in a hurry or are you always waiting? How does it feel?  How do you feel about the sun, the seasons, birthdays, weekends and darkness.  What is your relationship to time?

Session Four – Things & Activities

We fill space with things and we fill time with activities. How do you manage your possessions and your energies? How did your parents?  Are you challenged by emptiness or stillness? Do you seek more or less?

Session Five – Your Body
What were you taught about your body and its functions? What were you taught about other people’s bodies? What don’t you know about bodies? What were the body taboos?

Session Six – Emotions & Becoming Social

The role of emotions and our parents reactions to them play a major role in our developing sense of self.  How did your parents ability to fulfill their roles shape your relationships with others.  How do you feel about being alone?  Do you trust others? Do you trust yourself?

Session Seven and Eight – Beyond Your Parents
Many of the most important players in shaping our sense of self were not our parents. They may have been the pediatrician, your mother’s best friend, a neighbor, a friend. Who were the karmic relationships in your first seven years? Looking at the beliefs and traumas that came through your interactions with people who were not a big presence in your life, but a big impact?

8 Weekly Sessions

Tuesday Evenings 7:30 – 9PM Eastern.
October 25 through December 13, 2011
(This program will work for people living in Australia & New Zealand)

Wednesday Afternoons 12 Noon – 1:30PM Eastern
October 26 through December 14, 2011
(This program will work for people living in Europe and the Middle East)

Course fee:  $200  (This is the last time this course will be offered at this price. I have been told by too many that this price is not reflective of the quality and value of the content and process. So I am raising the fee in 2012)


We meet via the internet or phone for 90 minutes.
There is a slide presentation on your desktop and you hear Lynn and each other on the computer via Skype or on your phone. Directions for connecting are sent in an email – it is simple. These sessions are recorded and can be downloaded for relistening.

We have personal conversations with partners from the course…

Everyone has a partner for  a 30-60+ minute conversation on the weekly topics. These are remarkable and deeply sacred conversations.  When each partner is working with the same set of archetypal questions, rich dialogue emerges to nurture and clarify the biographical insights of each.  This is awesome, thrilling and by far the most engaging, supportive aspect of the program.

We create personal binders…

Participants are encouraged to create their own binder to fill with the handouts and the selfwork exercises for each session. The handouts include descriptions of the key elements found in our biographies and sets of questions for each topic.  Your binder contains all your biography work and your personal biographical reflections – in this case, the story of your first seven years. The binder gives you a place to continue your reflections beyond the frame of the program.

There is a personal conversation with Lynn…

During the course, you will schedule a 20 minute private conversation with Lynn on any personal question you have. More personal time with Lynn is available.