Love After Love
The time will come when,
with elation you will greet yourself arrivingat your own door, in your own mirrorand each will smile at the other’s welcome,and say, sit here. Eat.You will love again the stranger who was your self.Give wine. Give bread. Give back your heartto itself, to the stranger who has loved youall your life, whom you ignoredfor another, who knows you by heart.Take down the love letters from the bookshelf,the photographs, the desperate notes,peel your own image from the mirror.Sit. Feast on your life.
If we let our old ways die and restore wholeness to our soul, we become new. Spiritually we remain ourselves, but without the limiting and often distorting context of our past to define our form we become different. We become unrecognizable to ourselves and to all our companions. We have risen to a new way of being. This is the challenge and the reality of our inner resurrection experience. We surprise ourselves for brief moments, we know joy. Not a joy that is compared to a suffering. No, resurrection joy is suffering turned inside out.
The Resurrection of 2000 years ago made it possible for each of us to have resurrection moments in our souls. Easter comes once a year to remind us to pay attention to our resurrection moments. Not just to pay attention, but to have faith in them.
I have suffered my heart being broken only to find it healed in a moment. The healed heart is a new heart, not a mended heart. It is a heart that has no memory of it’s suffering and death. It is resurrected and filled with new love and new freedom.
In the audio I speak to the mystery of inner resurrection and the challenge of being new.