Recognize and overcome the challenges to your spiritual and moral development.

This is the time of the Inner Year when we seek the wisdom to recognize and overcome the counter forces who seek to challenge us and undermine the truth, beauty and goodness of our human spirit.

There are a thousand hacking at the branches of evil to one who is striking at the root.
Henry David Thoreau.

In this course we will seek the root understanding of evil.

The maturity of the soul is not its ability to avoid evil, but its ability to confront evil.

Archangel Michael’s slaying of the dark beast of evil is recognized and attended to each year on September 29th. Michael carries the sword that points to, penetrates, and slays evil.

Encountering the Challengers
intends to awaken in our souls the powerful force of Michael, the inner ability to recognize and overcome personal encounters with evil.

As the dark of night overtakes the light of day, it is time to look at the darker questons and realities of consciousness and self-development.  We need to look at our personal encounters with evil.  The dark topic of evil needs to come out of the swamps and shadows of our souls and into the light!  

What are your questions about evil?

How do we live with our own sins of commission and omission? How do we heal and resolve our experiences of victimhood? What is the karma of evil? What does it mean to “forgive us our debts and we forgive our debtors.”  How are we protected from the temptations of evil? How do we atone for our sins? Just what is atonement?

Esoterically, what are the beings of evil? How do they engage us? What do they want from us? Can we redeem them?

In our difficult times of greed, war, global warming, terror and trauma, we need to find meaningful and practical definitions, perspectives and practices that develop courage, integrity, forthrightness and understanding. Without a conscious and articulate sense of evil, the demons and dragons hold sway, while we hide in anxiety, depression, doubt and confusion.

Encountering the Challengers

offers you the following content:

Session One:
Definitions of evil, harm, violence.
How evil appears in thoughts, feelings, actions.
How we do evil to ourselves.

Session Two:
Inner immunity to evil
The victim/perpetrator relationship
The role of evil in personal biography

Session Three:
The three forms of evil in our souls.
The four basic relationships to evil.
The four inner declarations that redeem evil.

Session Four:
Evil and the four bodies of the Human Being.
The mysteries of justice
The karma of consequence
The lessons of reconcilliation

Your Benefits
(How will you profit from this course? What advantages will you receive?)

  • You will be able to make choices and decisions with a more mature confidence.
  • You will be able to reflect on your life, your relationships, and your work with a compassionate objectivity.
  • You will have a deeper understanding and a greater capacity for forgiveness – forgiving yourself, others, circumstances, and conditions.
  • Evil will no longer be a vague but powerful threat to your goodness.
  • You will be able to recognize, name, locate, and assess evil in its myriad forms.
  • You will be able to meet the challenges of evil and vanquish its temptations.
  • You will release yourself from the demoralizing roles of victim and perpetrator.
  • You will be able to understand your life dramas and patterns from new and liberating perspectives.     

Thursday Sessions: September 29, October 6, 13, 20
Time: 8 – 9 PM Eastern
Sunday Sessions: October 2, 9, 16, 23
Time:  4 – 5 PM Eastern
Cost: $47
Webinar format using your desktop and your phone (or Skype). All sessions are recorded and available as an MP3 download in case you can not attend the live presentation or want to relisten.


Supplemental Private Sessions:
Individually scheduled, will provide deep intimate attention to your personal questions and needs regarding your relationship to the challengers to your spiritual and moral development. These 30 minute sessions cost $40. Contact [email protected]