Where did I come from???? Where did I begin???
There are two answers to these two questions: Sex and Spirit!
As a physical being, I come from and began in a sexual act between my mother and my father.
So do you!
As a conscious, evolving being, I come from and began in realms of spirit.
So do you!
Both sexuality and spirituality are expressions of love. I can also say I come from and began in love.
So do you!
I am innately woven into myself through my evolving relationship to sexuality and spirituality as ideas and ideals and my sexuality and my spirituality as personal identity and personal drama. How do I see this great tapestry of myself? How do you?
My relationship to sexuality and spirituality involve my thoughts and feelings about being alone. I have my own mysteries about being alone, being lonely and being all one. How do I penetrate these mysteries? How do you?
I wonder how I act out my spirituality and my sexuality in my daily life. How consciously spiritual am I? How consciously sexual? How conscious are you?
By grasping a picture of the archetypal development of human sexual consciousness and spiritual consciousness beginning with birth and moving to adulthood, I create an objective and universal imagination of sexuality and spirituality.
Then I can begin exploring my own version of the archetype in my sexual and spiritual dreams, stories, adventures, absences, abuses, experiments and longings and discover healing, liberation, possibilities.
I can see what imprints, interruptions and illuminations have happened as I unfolded my fierce and fragile sexuality and spirituality.
I can forgive and celebrate myself for being myself.
I can integrate what was split off from my soul.
I can find a new, deeper, freer relationship to and confidence in my aloneness.
I can know myself.
Join me in an Inner Life Biographical Review of Sexuality and Spirituality beginning this Saturday, September 18 at 1PM Eastern or this Tuesday Evening, September 21 at 8PM Eastern.
Meanwhile here is this sweet video on How To Be Alone.