
Imagine Your Contribution

a fundamental schooling in manifesting purpose

Deep in the Soul’s Winter – your deed wants to burst with new life like the seed of a daisy or a great oak.

Deep in the Soul’s Winter – your soul – the intention of your great contribution is moving toward full potential and full manifestation. Like a seed, it is dreaming of germination and waiting for the right conditions.

Inner Winter is the soul’s season when the cosmos, all the divine gestures of spirit, support us developing greater awareness of our destiny as contributors to humankind and the future. Consider your potential, the driving expression of selfhood and how it can manifest through your work.

How do you support yourself and support the world and future in a way that is a fulfilling and satisfying expression of YOU!

Every Inner Winter in your soul’s yearly rhythm of attention, your work, your contribution, is the focus. Now is the time to ponder and contemplate the large sweeping gestures and delicate nuances of your imagination of self as a being of purposeful and fulfilling deed. What is your potential? How is it manifesting?

  • Can you name your contribution, your sacred work? The work that gives you the clear expression of “I am.”
  • Do you know what inner and outer conditions are required for your work to manifest?
  • How does this destiny seed germinate? Root itself deep in your being and send its shoot out into the world?
  • How do you continue to cultivate this deed?
  • How do you meet and overcome the inner and outer obstacles to its fulfillment?
  • Does the world recognize and reward you for your contribution?

Big questions. To answer them you need an education you did not receive: a fundamental schooling in fulfilling your destiny.

Imagine Your Contribution

a fundamental schooling in manifesting your purpose

an Imagine Self intensive

As light increases in the darkness of winter, the wisdom of the cosmos mirrored in our hearts asks us to bring our attention to our imagination of our meaning, our purpose and our significance.

Spiritually, your contribution expresses and manifests the purpose, the meaning, and the significance of your life. It is your legacy of love. What that means in practical terms can be challenging.

Imagine Your Contribution offers the archetypal imagination of contribution, allowing you to then recognize, commit, and manifest your unique contribution. By unique I mean the contribution that can only be made by you. If you don’t know what the archetypal image of contribution is you will never recognize its particular reflection in yourself.

Imagine Your Contribution provides powerful insights into the 3 key areas of the practical responsibilities of manifesting your contribution.

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What is Contribution? What is your Contribution?

We need to answer these questions not just in our intellect but in our heart. Two dictionary definitions which may satisfy the intellect and offer rich perspectives in which to open up your heart are a gift or payment to a common fund or collection and the part played by a person or thing in bringing about a result or helping something to advance.

All true contributions serve humanity and the future. Perhaps your contribution appears to only serve a small and immediate group. Imagine Your Contribution brings the true perspective that all contributions live far beyond appearances.

Stress and Contribution

Not knowing what you contribute or the way you contribute creates stress, even illness, in your body and soul. If you have an imagination of your contribution and its process of manifestation but lack confidence, clarity, or community, you will suffer frustration and feel unfulfilled.

If you are suffering with stress and stress-related illness, Imagine Your Contribution will bring healing and balancing perspectives giving you choices and insights which will contribute to a calm, clear and confident sense of your worth in the world and your power to manifest it.

Career and Contribution

Do you feel your contribution must be linked to your day job or career? Do you feel contribution must be linked to what you love doing? you are missing many real creative possibilities.

If your work in the world feels “right,” Imagine Your Contribuition strengthens your
self-expression. If your work lacks a feeling of “rightness,” Imagine Your Contribution will offer new perspectives and possiblities.

Having an archetypal image of contribution can
awaken a new enthusiasm for what you do professionally or
give you a picture of what your work in the world is.

Demand, Expectation and Contribution

What are you suppose to be contributing? Do you feel demands and expectations to perform, to provide, to succeed, to create? What is the source of these demands and expectations? The source originates in our external environments of family, society, education and economics. True contribution originates in the core of the self free from external demands and expectations.

Imagine Your Contribution explores the conflicts between your inner calling and the external demands and expectations. You can find the inner permission to contribute from your core.

The Creative Possibilities of Contribution

There are many ways to contribute. There are many ways to value contribution. There are many moments, gestures and forms of contribution.

Imagine Your Contribution brings images of the creative possibilities of contribution. In learning and relating to these possibilities, you will find a way to build your personal imagination – the imagination that illumines and empowers your destiny.

Imagine Your Contribution brings a way to answer the questions that arise in your soul when you seek your meaning, your purpose and your significance

  • What do I contribute to the world? to the future?
  • What do I long to contribute to the world? to the future?
  • What is my special talent or gift?
  • How do I find personal fulfillment?
  • How do I break free from a life of dissatisfaction?
  • Can I recognize and release what has occupied my life, but not occupied my heart?
  • Can I re-create my life?
  • How does my contribution get recognized and rewarded?
  • Is the way I earn my living, my contribution?
  • What if I hate my job?
  • Am I too old to make a difference?

If your heart does not sing its song in the world or if you would like your heart to sing with more strength, register for this webinar.

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The Benefits

In Imagine Your Contribution, you will

  • distinguish and balance the spiritual and practical realities of your contribution
  • develop ways to make the right choices and changes for your manifestation of meaning
  • understand and discover your relationships to the aspects, elements, and gestures of contribution
  • learn the eight essential steps to full self-expression
  • give yourself permission to initiate an activity or complete an activity (some of us struggle with endings)
  • name and transform the obstacles to your fulfillment
  • celebrate the contributions only you can give

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Your Investment of Time & Attention

Imagine Your Contribution is an intensive program. Imagine Self intensive programs need real self-devotion. You deserve your own attention – lots of it!

I suggest you plan on a minimum of 3 hours a week to do the work of the intensive. This includes:
60-90 minutes for the webinar
60-90 minutes for personal exploration guided by exercises.
30-90 minutes for partnering.

You will need to devote time to wonder through the lenses of the insights and perspectives. Wonder is an meditative exercise.
Time to write and journal on your questions, your history, your feelings, your intentions coming from the sessions, your wonder meditations.
Time to have open and focused conversations with your intensive partner. See description of partnering here.

A 20-minute counseling conversation with Lynn following session 3.

The Process

Imagine Your Contribution is offered in five 90 minute webinars. The webinars are combinations of presentations by Lynn and group interaction.

There are exercises to be done between the sessions.

The sessions are recorded and it is strongly suggested that you relisten to the recording before you begin the exercises.

There is a requirement to have at least one conversation with your partner for the course between each session (which is probably the best part of the intensive).

Materials and work pages are sent out each week.

The Logistics

Dates and times of the sessions

Tuesdays, February 7 – March 6. 8PM Eastern (5PM Pacific)
Sundays, February 12 – March 11. Noon Eastern (9AM Pacific) (5PM GMT)

Sessions last about 90 minutes

Registration is limited to 12 participants.

The course is a webinar. You will join each session via your computer in order to see the slide presentation but the audio can be herd over the web or over the phone (Skype is also a good way to access the sessions). No matter where in the world you live, you can now join the Lynn Jericho Imagine Self Programs via the internet without any phone costs. If you have taken my courses in the past, this is a new system.

Shortly before the first session you will receive an email that will instruct you in the simple webinar participation process. If you have never participated in a webinar, relax it does not require any technical skills. Although it is best for you to have a computer with internet access, you can also participate by telephone.

Each participant receives a private 20 minute consultation with me to discuss specific issues about their life of contribution.

Cost and Payment

$177 (95 British pounds) (110 Euros)
$277 for two friends registering together
discounts, concessions and payment plans are available – please email: [email protected]

Payment by Credit Card or PayPal through my store.

Discounts and Concessions: If you require a discount in order to participate, please email me. If you would like the partner discount ($277 for 2), email me.

Register Here

Click here to go to my Store to register for the program.

If you have any question, email me.