Discover a new intimate Approach to Understanding yourself in relationship to the inner experience of Christ Consciousness.

This approach will make meaning for you whether you are actively practicing a Christian religion, follow an alternative path, or doubt the existence of God. 

Imagine Christ Consciousness as the core of self and Self as the core of Christ Consciousness?

How do you directly experience being a spiritual being and an earthly being?

Do you seek the direct experience of the Divine within your own daily existence?


The Holy Imaginations Curriculum of The Imagine Self Academy offers you a compassionate path to self-knowledge based in a new imagination of the Christian Festivals as an archetypal path of individuation for the 21st Century Soul. 


New spiritual intuitions in your will.

New spiritual inspirations in your feeling.

New spiritual imaginations in your thinking. 


The courses are not about dogma or doctrine, belief or faith, Church or ritual. The courses nurture your unfolding inner life and the experience of I AM. Each course focuses on a particular festival or event in the life of Christ and relates it to a direct experience living in your own life. You will find deeper self-knowledge and increasing inner freedom — your own personal presence of Christ Consciousness.




Imagine yourself filled with Christ Consciousness.

learning to love compassionately,

connecting with the part of you that incarnates the Divine,

becoming free of conforming to anything,

overcoming seductive temptations,

overcoming moral trials and spiritual difficulties,

meeting and vanquishing evil,

engaging with your guardian angel and other great spiritual beings,

seeing through appearances and materialism

and much more.

Imagine reaching higher and diving deeper, expanding  beyond limitations and

humbly finding your inner sovereignty, your inner power, and your inner glory.


The Testaments of Self…

To testify means to give evidence. With the Holy Imaginations courses, you gather together the evidence of the evolving meaning and purpose of your life in a testament of selfhood. You are not learning about God…it is not an adult Sunday School. You are learning to recognize the evidence of the Divine within your own being.

Imagine having recurring evidence that you are following a Christ-illuminated path of personal development – creative and conscious new testaments of self as spiritually and morally evolving.

The Holy Imaginations are not traditional. They are not about worship, prayer or meditation. Holy Imaginations guide a new  Christian path as self-development, moral awakening and spiritual relationship.


The Esoteric Christian Path of Self-Imagining

The Holy Imaginations find their inspiration in a modern, intimate, and grounded non-dogmatic understanding of the Christian Year and certain events in the life of Jesus Christ. The courses are designed for the universal application of Christ Consciousness to every human soul regardless of religion, tradition or belief.  Each course compliments and supports all other paths and practices including Eastern, Humanist and atheist.

The Holy Imaginations courses are cyclical and designed to be worked with once every year. With the initial work with the course you meet new insights and much support living in the content and exercises. With each following year working with the content and exercises, the meaning and purpose of the personal testament evolves. The courses become an annual practice of self-illumination revealing your expression, expansion, development and transcendence of self.

There are six main courses in the Holy Imaginations curriculum/practice. Although each course can be taken separately,  committing to the entire Holy Imaginations as a personal curriculum will support your ongoing imaginations of a living, clear and humble testament of self. 


The Holy Imaginations Courses …

Each Holy Imaginations Course is offered in four self-study lessons. The lessons consist of audio presentations by Lynn with supporting materials and exercises for illumination and self-imagination. You have the opportunity to learn, practice and share a new direct experience and reverent imagination of self and Jesus Christ free of dogma and doctrine.

The four lessons can be experienced in a weekly rhythm. Listening to the audios, reflecting, working the exercises, sharing your experience on the discussion forum. Create your own Inner Sunday practice.

The exception is Inner Christmas which comes as daily messages during the Twelve Holy Nights between December 24, Christmas Eve, and January 6, Epiphany.

Inner Epiphany

Epiphany is the festival of the arrival of a new soul/spirit presence. With a new understanding of the four Epiphany events in the life of Jesus Christ, we can recognize them in our own lives.  Learn more…and register.

  • The Epiphany of Innocent Love
  • The Epiphany of Great Wisdom
  • The Epiphany of Baptism and the Divine Within
  • The Epiphany of Manifestation


Inner Temptations

This new, radically empowering understanding of Lent, the 40 days of fasting in the wilderness and the three temptations brings this New Testament allegory as a personal experience we all face everyday.  Learn more… and register.

  • The Purpose of Solitude and Fasting in Your Strange and Lonely Place
  • Overcoming Addictions, Fantasies and Prejudices: The Three Great Temptations
  • Learn the Vanquishing Responses to Temptation
Inner Trials

You can survive and evolve through the numerous trials of meeting evil in small and intimate ways, in local and global circumstances. This course finds inspiration in the image of the Archangel Michael and the festival of Michaelmas celebrated on September 29. Description coming soon

  • Define and recognize the counterforces of our moral and spiritual development. 
  • Learn the four relationships to evil.
  • Experience the four redemptive deeds.  
Your Spiritual Companions

Find and form new evidence that you are in creative and conscious relationship with spiritual beings. Build new practices of prayer, meditation, contemplation and holy conversations. Learn more…and register.

  • Engage your Guardian Angel.
  • Discern the Spiritual Hierarchies.
  • Enjoy the Elementals, Nature Spirits and House Spirits.
  • Converse with the dead and the unborn.
Inner Advent

Prepare for the Holy Nights and your Inner Christmas by recollecting, reviewing and releasing the inner experiences of the past twelve months.  There are two Inner Advent courses: Your Year of Light and Your Year of Shadows, Sorrows and SufferingsLearn more…and register.

  • Recollect the Outer Contexts of the year.
  • Reimagine your Soul’s year.
  • Review and form a conscious relationship to your inner year.
  • Release your inner year.
  • Shape the manger in your soul to receive the gifts of Inner Christmas.


Inner Christmas Messages
December 24 – January 6

Celebrate the Twelve Holy Nights by focusing your inner attention on a single theme explored through twelve different perspectives. Twelve daily messages filled with inspiration, insight and inquiry support the birth a new understanding of yourself and your world. Learn more…

  • The Veils between your soul and the Spirit World lift.
  • The Manger in Your Soul fills with Inspiration for the year.
  • There is an opportunity to continue to deepen the Holy Nights throughout the year.
  • Connect with a worldwide spiritual community.


The Other Holy Imaginations

Easter, Ascension, St John’s Tide, The Transfiguration and other events from the New Testament also have a new meaning for your inner development. These are addressed in a series of blogposts.

Inner Easter

Go deep into many meanings of this great mystery with the Guide to Inner Easter. You will find questions to lead you to your personal Easter within your own life.  You can download it here.